Monday, April 23, 2012

H is for Humidity

Humidity.  My least favorite word.  You may think you know what humidity is, but until you have lived through it in the South you have no idea.  I'm talking about full blown 100% humidity. 

One reason I despise the humidity here is the way it attacks my hair.  It may be great for the skin, but it's horrid for my hair.  You see, I have thick slightly wavy hair, and all it takes is a hint of moisture and it doubles in size. 

I'm also remembering last summer when I decided to start running.  Why I chose dead in the middle of summer to begin running is beyond me.  I think the heat and humidity must have fried the part of my brain that caused me to think straight.  If I didn't get out and run before 7:00 a.m. then it was night runs for me.  Of course, it didn't really matter humidity wise except that it was a lot more bearable to run in 80 degree weather with 100% humidity as opposed to 100 degree temps and 100% humidity.

It's springtime, and I've been enjoying my weekly runs outside.  Today was especially nice with 71 degree temperature, a light breeze, and no humidity.  I live for these days.  If I could find a place like this year round it would be heaven on Earth.  So, I'll enjoy these few and far between days for now, and thank goodness I joined a gym while I still had some sense. 


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